Engineering Biofilms

3D printed biofilm supports for treatment systems
Additional work which is currently funded by the MassTech Transfer Center focuses on 3D Printed Biomimetic Biofilm Supports for Treatment Systems. Wastewater treatment plants are turning to low-cost options to retrofit their existing infrastructure by ‘intensifying’ treatment, or increasing the treatment capacity in the same physical system. A common strategy is to add plastic carriers or structures to large treatment tanks to support more contaminant-consuming bacteria. When support structures are added bacteria move from free floating modes of growth to dense consortiums of attached growth
called biofilms. Adoption of these styles of treatment systems are growing in frequency. Moving bed biofilm reactors, integrated fixed film activated sludge process, membrane biofilm reactors are examples of these processes. With their ability to treat concentrated waste streams in a small footprint, biofilm-based treatment processes are also increasingly employed for used in many industrial applications, particularly, dairy, breweries and beverage industries, in addition to municipal wastewater treatment. Biofilm support structures in treatment systems have often been designed to maximize surface area but few have consciously considered the mechanical requirements of the biofilm itself. Currently, biofilm management is an imperfect science and largely the product of operational optimization in large-scale processes. As a result, many biofilm treatment processes experience significant biofilm detachment events, called sloughing, and as a result, lose treatment
capacity. For a municipal wastewater treatment system, loss of treatment could result in risks to environmental and public health. For industrial systems, loss of treatment could mean shutting down a production line at great expense to a company.
Pantidis P., Gerasimidis S., (2017). New Euler-type progressive collapse curves for 2D steel frames: an analytical method, ASCE Structural Engineering, 143 (9): 04017113. (pdf)
Sideri J., Mullen C.L., Gerasimidis S., Deodatis G., (2017). Distributed Column damage effect on progressive collapse vulnerability in steel buildings exposed to an external blast event, ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 31(5): 04017077. (pdf)
Pantidis, P., Gerasimidis, S., (2018). Progressive collapse of 3D steel composite buildings under interior gravity column loss, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 150, 60-75. (pdf)
3D printing at the Institute of Applied Life Sciences of lattice cubes for engineering biofilms.
We are currently working on exploring topologies which would be ideal for the growth and support of biofilm. The first objective of the current work is to produce the results of a series of experimental tests which include a broad variety of architectures ultimately leading to understanding the
behavior of biofilms using the new architected lattice metamaterials as a supporting structure for use in treatment infrastructure. The mechanical properties such as modulus of elasticity, stiffness, etc. is currently
determined along with the required geometric and topological parameters which are beneficial for efficiently supporting biofilm growth. The tests cover a wide range of lattice topologies based on different coordination
numbers (a measure of nodal connectivity), or relative density (a measure of scalability of a unit cell within a specific volume), as well as geometric parameters such as the effect of the lattice struts cross-sectional shapes. The experimental program aims at understanding behavior and properties of the proposed new two phase biofilm-lattice structural system. The prototype specimens are manufactured using the EOS Formiga P110 3D printer
from the Advanced Digital Design and Fabrication Lab at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Sample 3D cube lattices
Engineering Biofilms

3D printed biofilm supports for treatment systems
Additional work which is currently funded by the MassTech Transfer Center focuses on 3D Printed Biomimetic Biofilm Supports for Treatment Systems. Wastewater treatment plants are turning to low-cost options to retrofit their existing infrastructure by ‘intensifying’ treatment, or increasing the treatment capacity in the same physical system. A common strategy is to add plastic carriers or structures to large treatment tanks to support more contaminant-consuming bacteria. When support structures are added bacteria move from free floating modes of growth to dense consortiums of attached growth
called biofilms. Adoption of these styles of treatment systems are growing in frequency. Moving bed biofilm reactors, integrated fixed film activated sludge process, membrane biofilm reactors are examples of these processes. With their ability to treat concentrated waste streams in a small footprint, biofilm-based treatment processes are also increasingly employed for used in many industrial applications, particularly, dairy, breweries and beverage industries, in addition to municipal wastewater treatment. Biofilm support structures in treatment systems have often been designed to maximize surface area but few have consciously considered the mechanical requirements of the biofilm itself. Currently, biofilm management is an imperfect science and largely the product of operational optimization in large-scale processes. As a result, many biofilm treatment processes experience significant biofilm detachment events, called sloughing, and as a result, lose treatment capacity. For a municipal wastewater treatment system, loss of treatment could result in risks to environmental and public health. For industrial systems, loss of treatment could mean shutting down a production line at great expense to a company.
3D printing at the Institute of Applied Life Sciences of lattice cubes for engineering biofilms.
We are currently working on exploring topologies which would be ideal for the growth and support of biofilm. The first objective of the current work is to produce the results of a series of experimental tests which include a broad variety of architectures ultimately leading to understanding the
behavior of biofilms using the new architected lattice metamaterials as a supporting structure for use in treatment infrastructure. The mechanical properties such as modulus of elasticity, stiffness, etc. is currently
determined along with the required geometric and topological parameters which are beneficial for efficiently supporting biofilm growth. The tests cover a wide range of lattice topologies based on different coordination
numbers (a measure of nodal connectivity), or relative density (a measure of scalability of a unit cell within a specific volume), as well as geometric parameters such as the effect of the lattice struts cross-sectional shapes. The experimental program aims at understanding behavior and properties of the proposed new two phase biofilm-lattice structural system. The prototype specimens are manufactured using the EOS Formiga P110 3D printer
from the Advanced Digital Design and Fabrication Lab at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Sample 3D cube lattices
Testing different topologies